How To Find Your Audience on Social Media

How To Find Your Audience on Social Media

Social Media is a powerful marketing tool, and it’s highly likely your audience is already there, hanging around, reading and engaging with content you could be providing and using to build a relationship with them.

So, let’s find your audience on social media!

There are 4 simple steps we must complete first:

  1. Describe your ideal customer
  2. Define which social networks they’re most likely to be on.
  3. Create the types of content would you ideal customer like to see, read and comment on those channels.
  4. Find, follow and engage with them.

I am going to focus on steps 2-5 in this post. Step 1 will be included in the workbook you can buy after the free download offered below, which will include worksheets to step through the entire process herein in more detail.



Facebook’s audience is likely the largest in terms of different demographics and age range on social media. With over two billion active monthly users, and even boomers on the platform, unless your business-to-business marketing, or purely millennials, you’re definitely going to want to have a business Page on Facebook where you’re going to be visible regularly.


Instagram is the next and current, big thing! With over one billion monthly users and a very visual platform with shoppable posts – if you have a product or service that can be visual, you must be on this platform. In fact, I would recommend nearly every single business be ON Instagram right now!


While LinkedIn is not my area of expertise, nor do I spend a lot of time there, if you are a B2B product or service, you will want to get active and share content on this platform.


There are a few ways to ensure you’re doing just this and only this.

  1. What questions are they asking you directly? Address them.
  2. What are their general pain points? Create a series of posts to address them.
  3. What are they already engaging with: humor, memes, inspirational quotes, tips + tricks?
  4. Show them more YOU.
  5. Show them some behind the scenes in your business.
  6. Find imagery that can effectively portray the problem you solve for them.
  7. Create imagery that reflects your sale or promotions.


For this step, I’m going to break it out into social channels: Facebook + Instagram separately, because those are the main social channels I encourage for businesses to be active on for client acquisition and brand growth + awareness.


  • Get to 100 Likes quickly, ask your friends + families to Like your business Page so that you can see Insights (analytics) on your Page.
  • Post your content minimum 1/day
  • Post curated content that will appeal to your audience 4-7/week
  • Follow and comment on similar pages in your niche or industry
  • Join Groups where your ideal audience is hanging out in and ask questions, post comments and answer others’ questions if it relates to your business
  • Don’t spam by direct messaging cold contacts or commenting on a competitors post
  • When you post viral content, invite everyone who Liked your post to Like your Page


  • Follow hashtags in your niche and then follow the accounts using them effectively that could be customers
  • Follow people who follow your competitors
  • Follow people who follow and engage with your vendors and others in your industry
  • Comment regularly on these potential customer accounts’ posts

Want the free download? It’s a checklist that you can follow once a week to ensure you’re attracting YOUR IDEAL AUDIENCE!


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