Facebook Ads: Let's Launch

Facebook Ads: Let's Launch

As per my last blog post, Facebook Ads for Beginners, you need to have something to offer your target audience when you create a Facebook Ad.

Facebook Ads Manager walks you through creating an ad, step-by-step and it really guides users very effectively. But let’s put your process down on paper before you tackle the tech (also later on in this post!).


If you’re spending your hard-earned dollars on ads, you better know what your desired end-results are.

Facebook breaks it down into three main marketing objectives:

  1. Awareness (Brand awareness and reach)
  2. Consideration (Traffic, app installations, video views, lead generation and messaging)
  3. Conversion (Conversions, catalog sales, and store visits)

So what’s your goal or objective?

You need to know what you’re looking to achieve before you get into Ads Manager to create your ads.

Let’s dive into some of the different types of ads you can place on Facebook:


The types of ads you can use Facebook for to grow awareness of your business are Post Engagement, Page Likes, Local Awareness (with a physical address business) and Boosting posts.

You’re going to want to use images to grab attention!


Link Clicks, Video and Facebook Lead Ads.

Lead ads allow your customer to sign up for your list or download your file without even leaving Facebook.


Facebook offers plenty of options for those selling physical products and can literally sell your product right on your page. Carousel & dynamic product ads, canvas, collections, mobile-only, events promotions and offer ads all create a quick purchase option for your product.

One of the things I would suggest is to set up multiple ad types for one campaign to test which ad is working best and delivering better to your target audience. Another tip I have for you is to let it run for at least 7 days.

Remember my advice from my previous post! THINK hard about your ideal target to see your ad and get really detailed. Here are a few more questions to consider about your target audience:

  • Who are the authority figures, thought leaders, or big brands in your niche?
  • What books/magazines/newspapers does your ideal customer read?
  • What event do they attend?
  • What websites do they frequent?
  • Where do they live?

You’ll want to know the answers to these to get really specific on targeting and re-targeting your Facebook ads. You can use other Facebook pages as a target for your ad!


Choose the little drop down and select Create Ads

Choose your objective for your ad

I chose Traffic

If you choose Split Testing, It will walk you through the steps of how it works.

Here is where you choose your audience, get detailed during these next few steps!

Be specific, get down to age, location, whether they have visited your website or not (use that Pixel!), whether they like your page or not, get into it.

Next, set up your Budget and Schedule:

And then where (Identity: which page this ad it promoting) and the Ad Format (display)

And finally, since I selected the Messenger option, it lets me create my automatic response when someone does click my ad to message my page!

Hit Confirm!

Now be sure to keep an eye on your Ads Manager and watch your ad spend!

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